Friday, November 27, 2009

♥ ABC, easy as 123.

ok, so i don't know much about men's fashion,
but i do know right away whether i like something or not.
and these t.shirts from alphabet arm are not only cute,
but they have a sense of humor to boot!

alphabet arm is a boston based design studio which specializes in
"look at me" logos for all types of businesses and
music bands alike:

in a culture where the average person is inundated with thousands
upon thousands of signs and symbols at any given moment,
and given less than a split second to decide if they like it,
the importance of good, solid branding is something
that should never be underestimated.

that is why the guys at alphabet arm have got
the creative process down to an exact science.

for your chance to win a t.shirt of your choice & a survival pack (above),
take a look at their logos, and leave me a comment
about your favorite one!

a winner will be chosen next friday :)

10 ♥ love notes.:

  1. Ok, I love the one with the Mexican (I think) wrestling mask. I think it would look cute on Dan :)

  2. I love the flock logo. It is simple, pretty and I got the point exactly about the modo of the business before I clicked to look into it further.

  3. I would definetly rock all these shirts.

  4. HI
    My vote is for the counting crows shirt.
    I love butterfly's they represent re-birth to me!
    I know I could rock it.
    peace and love

  5. Hi, The football player is HOT!!!

  6. I have to second Michael. And after MNF I may as well support Team ABC over the PATs.

  7. hot pink + the roughest, manliest sport of football = winning combination

    p.s. love the blog

  8. I like the Fenway one because I love Fenway Park xoxo!


♥ tell me how you really feel!