Friday, September 4, 2015

♥ yes, please.

have you heard about the sephora play monthly subscription box yet??
 i have never been interested in these beauty boxes before, but sephora is a company
i trust to send good samples- and so i have decided i MUST sign up for it!

 they are only testing it out in boston and ohio at the moment- which would
have been perfect for me if i had not procrastinated too long and missed the
boat on ordering it! were you able to sign up?? if so, i am totes jealous.

ps. are people still saying "totes?"

1 ♥ love notes.:

  1. Totes! How did I not know about this? Maybe because I send all of my Sephora mail to my junk box haha...



♥ tell me how you really feel!