Thursday, June 7, 2012

♥ a flamingo a go-go.

a la three's company's terri alden.

after seeing my new blog friend, diana, of dressed up alligators
sporting these two fetching flamingo print frocks, i have had
 my feathers in a ruffle over all things flamingo.

from asos & ted baker.
these earrings are affordable & adorable.

(although he doesn't look too prancy to me!)

this flamingo top is tops!

this full skirt has my full flamingo attention!
and this mini skirt has a maximum flamingo effect.

this sequin flamingo makes this sweater much better :)
as does this sweater, bedazzled with a flock of flamingos.

and this flamingo dress is my favorite by far!

what are your thoughts on flamingo prints?
fabulous?-- or for the birds?

3 ♥ love notes.:

  1. All of this flamingo stuff is too cute!!

  2. i LOVE THIS -- I'm crazy over that mini :) lets hang out again soon! xoxo

  3. Love the flamingos! So adorable! Favorite is the shirt dress near the top.



♥ tell me how you really feel!