Tuesday, August 31, 2010

♥ a glimpse of glamour.

lately i have been giving alot of thought to the whole title of my blog
and what i mean when i tell you that i am hoping to share
"a glimpse of glamour."

i believe that what is fashionable is fleeting, and while we may experience
many moments of grandeur and sheer beauty in our lifetimes,
they are still just that: glittering, glamorous moments.
here is my careful attempt to capture some.

black wrap dress: jcrew, flower necklace: a glimpse of glamour, bag: gifted art.

bag: gifted art (thanks timothy!), raspberry tank: gap, boyfriend jeans: american eagle

black dress: laundry, black studded belt: h&m, leopard shoes: guess

heart necklace: express, white tank: victoria's secret, skirt: vintage

white dress & pink ribbon belt: vintage,
necklace & ring: pinkhead hello kitty tarina tarantino

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

♥ poetry is all that is worth remembering in life.

you are the trip i did not take;
you are the pearls i could not buy;
you are my blue italiam lake;
you are my piece of foreign sky.

you are my honolulu moon;
you are the book i did not write;
you are my heart's unuttered tune;
you are my candle in my night.

you are the flower beneath the snow,
in the dark sky a bit of blue
answering disapppointment's blow
with, "i am happy, i have you!"

anne campbell

Monday, August 30, 2010

♥ life is a song. sing it.

a few years ago, my cousin jaimee introduced me to the music of rilo kiley,
where i was re-introduced to the child actress turned lead singer, jenny lewis
(remember her in the wizard & troop beverly hills?)

i just love her long red hair, her vintage style and her sultry voice
that is both twangy and fluttery as a songbird.

after going solo, jenny has teamed up with her longtime boyfriend and
fellow musical collaborator, jonathan rice to put out a gorgeous album,
i'm having fun now due out this tuesday, august 31st.

their voices play off eachother well, their lyrics are punchy, and their
pitch is perfect. this album will have you soaking up the last bits of
summer, hand in hand with your soul mate.

love their old fashioned look and their matching jackets. so badass.

listen to their album in its entirety below, courtesy of npr!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

♥ live for love.

i am in L.O.V.E with these designs by

(spotted on creature comforts.)

Friday, August 27, 2010

♥ calling all fashion bloggers!!!

check out my fashion friday post on regarding design today
and leave a comment to win this fabulous book!!

Friday, August 27, 2010

♥ once you accept the universe as matter expanding into nothing that is something..

...wearing stripes with plaids comes easily.
albert einstein

i just love the look of mixing different prints + textures together.
i think the trick is to find one color in common or to have two patterns
of varying sizes or maybe the trick is there is no rhyme or reason to it?
here are a few bloggers that have mastered the art of mixing prints:

Friday, August 27, 2010

♥ i'll tell you what i want, what i really really want.

a little over a month ago, a glimpse of glamour held a CSN stores giveaway
and the lovely winner was eligible for a $60 gift card. this time around,
i am partnering with CSNstores again to do a product review for my readers.

with my wedding a little over a year away, i have been pondering lately
about all of the grown up things i will be requesting for my bridal shower
that will replace the second hand/ young adult items i have around my apartment.
as my dear bff says, "you may have a blender already, but it's not a real blender."

here are a few items i may choose from for a little
pre–wedding preview review (ha!) :
something from le creuset, perhaps?

a grown up blender from cuisinart?

a bonjour frenchpress?

new sheets from dwellstudio?

or maybe some alessi parrot corkscrews?
or maybe some missoni cushions?

or my dream kartell louis ghost chair??

what would you choose?!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

♥ long distance love.

have you ever fallen instantly in love? well, that is how i felt after spotting
the vintage– inspired, australian fashion label violet and i on the ever
so lovely, every so inspiring style blog, shine by three.

just look at these pretty, pretty pictures from the spring 2011 collection and
tell me you weren't wishing you could wear your slip to work tomorrow:

...and i just love the way the adorably chic blogette margaret zhang
styles herself in a few of violet and i's stunning pieces. swoon!

does anyone want to take a shopping trip to australia?

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

♥ rock the vote.

my friend timothy (see this week's tom petty pics) recently entered his amazing,
eclectic living room into the cb2/ the selby in your place contest.

i have to say that even though i have been to timothy's home in the cape a few times
now, each time i visit i find that there is something different and enchanting to look at.
whether it is the colorful artwork (most of which is his own), the tribal masks,
the gorgeous schumacher furniture or the various antiques he has collected
over the past ten years, timothy's space really is comparable to an egyptian temple!

and if you saw what the house looked like from the outside (a traditional saltbox home )
you would never guess what type of magic the interior holds.
he and his home need to be on the selby. they were made for it!
vote here.