Friday, September 30, 2011

♥ sip & swap.

guess who's big face is on the front page of today?
last night i attended boston fashion week's 2nd annual 
sip & swap, where my sisters, blog friends, and i 
took home bags full of new/old threads!

for someone who grabbed and stuffed clothing in a blind frenzy-
i did pretty well :) i got about six new dresses to add
to my ever-growing collection. 

read my review of the 1st boston fashion week swap here.

Friday, September 30, 2011

" i always knew when i had a baby it would have to have a literary name.
i want my children to know how important books are.
because, as you get older, life sort of eats away at you 
like battery acid, and all the things you once loved
are suddenly harder to find. "
 meg wolitzer, the wife

print via vivienne straus

Friday, September 30, 2011

♥ it is a good rule after reading a new book, never to allow yourself another new one till you have read an old one in between.

is there anything more delicious
than the smell & feel of old books???
i think not.

meet my new favorite website: facsimile dust jackets.
if only it were scratch and sniff...

Thursday, September 29, 2011

♥ birthdays are good for you. statistics show that people who have the most live the longest.

after planning such big event as weddings and bridal showers this year-
celebrating birthdays should be a piece of cake. 
birthday cake, that is.

love, love, love this birthday calendar from linda & harriet.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

♥ i have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of night.

in college, i signed up for a freshman seminar class called: "night watch,"
which, as i recall, was described in a very beautiful manner which may or may
not have included a rather enticing emerson quote, and which i may or
may not have read fully to the end...

when it came time to actually take the class, i quickly realized that:
 a) it was a three hour night class ( duh, it was called night watch!)
b) it cut right into prime dawson's creek-watching time.
c) it required me to use a scientific part of my brain i hadn't exercised before.

and while i must admit that i didn't exactly succeed at mastering
the universe during that class- i can tell you with complete honesty
that i once knew the story behind each constellation.
i could look into a telescope and find saturn.
i could sort of grasp the idea of longitude and latitude.
i could tell you why the sky is blue and what meteor showers were.

and now all i can tell you is that i forgot it, but at one time, i loved it.
and this diy constellation kit from miniature rhino
reminds me of a time, not too long ago
when i looked at the stars
and i knew their names.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

♥ i live on good soup and fine words.

i love the look of these beautiful vegetable soup recipes
posted by yvonne on the yvestown blog.

with the colder weather coming, i look forward to making
lots of hearty soups to warm the bones and fill the tummy :)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

♥ breathe in experience, breathe out poetry.

my bff, timothyrecently entered a neil young poetry contest-
where he creatively worked a number of song titles
into one brilliantly harmonious poem.
love it :)


they say deep down inside everyone there lies a heart of gold.
and when there is nothing left for the world to take away-
comes a time to fade away.
we all wake up to a brand new day.
the ones we loved and lost now live on sugar mountain.
and sometimes when I am feeling helpless.
i remember my partner's heart of gold.
and then all the feelings come on me like a hurricane.
all the angels know my name.
for that is what keeps me rocking in the game.
and one day when i wake an old man,
i will remember when i ran, now long may we run.
*gypsy angel productions, 2011.

Monday, September 26, 2011

♥ just listen to the music of the traffic in the city.

i will be
 the first one to admit 
that i do not live in the 
fanciest part of the city.
but that does not mean,
 on certain occasions,
( like sunrise and sunset )
it cannot be a very, very
beautiful place
 to call home.

Monday, September 26, 2011

♥ a friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.

due to the fact that we were living as two hermits for the past 
year and a half leading up to our wedding--
 nick and i have been sadly out of the loop
- on most things cool -
 especially music.

so, when he told me that the new girls album was good,
i just had to share it with you. (stream it free here.)

ps. read my post about their first album here.
pps. here's their latest video:

Friday, September 23, 2011

♥ "color is my daylong obsession, joy & torment." ~ claude monet


on this dreary gray evening i was invited to the opening press preview for the 
new marimekko shop that has opened within the crate & barrel 
on boylston street in boston- and i have to say, as soon as i stepped into the
 vibrant, colorful corner of the store, my serotonin levels happily shot up,
 and i was rejuvenated by the wonderful energy and the powerful punch
 that this cheerful brand brings to all who lay their eyes upon it.

while this is the first store in boston to launch a marimekko shop, the collaboration 
between crate & barrel and finnish textile brand is nothing new-and has actually 
been well in the making since the early 1960's when crate & barrels once
 carried their clothing line and all.

here are some of my favorite things:

live around boston?
tonight from 4-6pm, visit the diy surrur workshop at 
marimekko in crate & barrel on boylston
 and create your own accessories
out of marimekko fabrics :)

Thursday, September 22, 2011

♥ parasol paramour.

images via

"let's just skip these next six months" tracy reese said at her latest 
spring 2012 collection- and i have to say, i totally agree. 

once the last of the gorgeous fall foliage has left the trees
and the dead of winter has set in- i know i am going to be
pining away for my honeymoon days in barbados-
where women not unlike those on tracy reese's runway wear
parasols to protect themselves from the 
hot caribbean sun.

is it spring yet?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

♥ food for thought.

the other night i tried naina's onion, mushroom & spinach quiche recipe
and it was so good, that nick and i ate most of it before i was
able to take a good picture of it in all of it's majesty.
filling and delicious- this quiche recipe is
 perfect for a fall dinner-
and no one will blame you
 if you eat it all.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

♥ "it's as true today as it ever was:he who seeks beauty will find it."

tonight, at long last, i finally got to sit down and watch
 bill cunningham new york (2010), the documentary which chronicles
the inimitable photographer who has been chronicling new york 
fashion for years and years and years. 

as you may have guessed, the film was totally inspiring--
to follow bill as he bikes around new york and paris, and
watch him pull out his camera, and snap picture after picture
of every colorful, wacky personality that crosses his path,
to go back with him to his small studio where he literally 
lives and sleeps on top of all of his photographs,
and to get to know the intricate details of what he eats,
 and what he wears, and where he develops his pictures
feels like such an immense privilege- 
one that i highly recommend.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

♥never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful, for beauty is God's handwriting. ~ralph waldo emerson

my very talented best friend, marykate, has just started her own tumblr: 
much beauty everywhere, where she will share bits and pieces from
her seemingly endless catalogue of gorgeous photographs &
poetry that she has taken and written herself. 

what i love about mk is her ability to find the beauty in everything,
and to appreciate life for every simple blessing, so it is for this
reason why i am so grateful that she started her blog-
to serve as a daily reminder to look up, to look around,
and to be thankful for the beauty everywhere.