Friday, April 27, 2012

♥ people from a planet without flowers would think we must be mad with joy the whole time to have such things about us.

with a husband who worked in the mental healthy industry for almost ten years,
you would think that i would have somehow caught wind of bloom, a fascinating 
art installation by anna schuleit, which took place within the walls of the 
now-closed massachusetts mental health center in 2003.

faced with the challenge of creating a site-specific piece that would speak to the
91 years of service that the building offered and raise awareness of its history, while 
leaving a colorful, lasting impression anna schuleit brought in over 28,000
potted flowers and filled every square foot of space for 
a 4-day viewing extravaganza.

i am so sad i missed it, 
but so in love with the photographs.

2 ♥ love notes.:

♥ tell me how you really feel!