Monday, April 30, 2012

♥ knot your average rug.

hand-woven from re-claimed sailing ropes, these skillfully-made mats from
  serpentsea recall the nautical knots of old sailors- but garner their names
from 17th century pirates: drake, bonny & morgan.

why sail the seven seas searching for the perfect indoor/outdoor mat
when you can have these kaleidoscopic rugs lying right at your feet
with just the click of your fingertips?

Monday, April 30, 2012

♥ it's a beautiful day in the barrio.

on thursday night, nicolas and i were fortunate enough to experience barrio,
the pop-up dinner party of which i spoke last week. 

having never been to a pop-up shop, let alone a pop-up restaurant,
i was not sure what to expect. the only thing i knew for sure was that
the food would be creative & delicious. and it certainly was!

we were seated in the kitchen with wheeler del torro's co-chef tim maslow
where we had a perfect view of every flourish of the hand, every finishing touch,
 and every good smell that wafted our way. many of the diners were boston bloggers
 i had met at one event or another, (keyse, amanda & christine ) and it was 
lovely to catch up as we ate up :) 

as you can tell by the pictures, the six course meal was artfully prepared
and decadently garnished. and most importantly, they tasted every bit
 as good as they looked! love. love. love.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

♥ i think your whole life shows in your face and you should be proud of that.

so, i knew the writer behind the blog advanced style was
  releasing a book in may, but a documentary too???

 that is just the icing on an already splendidly-decorated cake. 

Saturday, April 28, 2012

♥ have a delightful weekend!

why? because my niece says so.
and she gets what she wants.

Friday, April 27, 2012

♥ people from a planet without flowers would think we must be mad with joy the whole time to have such things about us.

with a husband who worked in the mental healthy industry for almost ten years,
you would think that i would have somehow caught wind of bloom, a fascinating 
art installation by anna schuleit, which took place within the walls of the 
now-closed massachusetts mental health center in 2003.

faced with the challenge of creating a site-specific piece that would speak to the
91 years of service that the building offered and raise awareness of its history, while 
leaving a colorful, lasting impression anna schuleit brought in over 28,000
potted flowers and filled every square foot of space for 
a 4-day viewing extravaganza.

i am so sad i missed it, 
but so in love with the photographs.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

♥ gone but not forgotten.


hand-written letters, tattered photographs, ticket stubs, film negatives, calling cards:
these fragments of lives once lived are hidden gems scattered among pages
and lovingly documented by a rare bookseller on forgotten bookmarks.
i recently shared what i found in one of my old books-
 have you ever found anything in your's?

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

♥ and the winner is.....

the lucky winner of the barrio pop-up dinner with chefs 
wheeler del torro & matt drummond is:


an email will be sent to you within 48 hours regarding
the secret location of the pop-up restaurant!!

ps. did you know wheeler del torro was chosen as one of 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

♥ paper dolls.

harper's bazaar china, may 2012 via asian models

that's it. 
tonight, i am buying an exacto-knife & some poster board.
i suddenly need a paper skirt in the worst way.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

♥ falling in love is an act of magic.

how cute does this movie look? 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

♥ please come dive in puddles with me.

what is it about rainy days that always feel like a free-for-all in terms of dressing?
maybe it's the fact that no one cares what they're wearing as long as their
feet and hair are dry? or maybe it's the novelty prints on rain boots that just
beg you to pair something equally silly with it?

 either way, i piled on the patterns today:
 plaid + polka dots+ stripes + bumble bees = sunshine on a cloudy day :)

Monday, April 23, 2012

♥ GIVEAWAY: $100 to shopbop.

yes, my friends, you read that right. $100 to shopbop.
shut up! i know. it's sick. and so unfair to me.
i am so wishing i were you right now.

here's the kind of things i would put the winnings towards if i 
were able to rig & win my own giveaway:

to enter the giveaway, please leave a comment below telling me 
what you would put the $100 towards & your email address.

also, make sure you're a follow on a glimpse of glamour ;)

a winner will be chosen thursday, may 3rd.
good luck!!!!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

♥ gossip girls.

this weekend, i spent some quality time with a few fabulous blog ladies
(renata, marissa, lani, najeema & kara)  who, truth be told, were much more
 interested in drooling over their new crush: patriots player julian edelman,
than speaking with the hard-to-reach designers of rag & bone,
who were there to celebrate their new store opening on newbury st.

i must admit, he was beautiful & it's fun to feel like a school girl 
on a friday night ;)

ps. boston bloggers- have you seen my giveaway???