Wednesday, February 29, 2012

♥ a very happy leap year!

via wikipedia.
according to irish and british tradition, leap year is the one time
 where women may propose marriage to their mister-
and he must accept. (remember the movie?)

well, my darling cousin, jaimee, took advantage of
 this old custom and did just that!!

today, she had a very special pizza delivered to her beaux...

...and he said YES!!

congratulations, jaimee & will!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

♥ stirring the pot.

via trendland.

in it's quiet beauty, mandy barker's photo collection, SOUP
is endlessly interesting & utterly intriguing.

while at first glance, you could swear you are looking at a picture of outer space- 
or an assembly of colorful doll toys, or perhaps even the remains of a festive 
new year's celebration, what you are actually looking at is trash. 
lots and lots of trash.

"SOUP is a description given to plastic debris suspended in the sea,
and with particular reference to the mass accumulation that exists
in an area of The North Pacific Ocean known as the Garbage Patch.
The series of images aim to engage with, and stimulate an emotional
response in the viewer by combining a contradiction between initial
aesthetic attraction and social awareness. The sequence reveals a
narrative concerning oceanic plastics from initial attraction and
attempted ingestion, to the ultimate death of sea creatures and
representing the disturbing statistics of dispersed plastics having
no boundaries.

All the plastics photographed have been salvaged from beaches
around the world and represent a global collection of debris that
has existed for varying amounts of time in the world’s oceans.

The captions record the plastic ingredients in each image providing
the viewer with the realisation and facts of what exists in the sea."

i am both fascinated and horrified at the same time-
which i am sure is the point of this artwork- 
to provoke, ponder & perhaps to post.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

♥ lady like.

sometimes the day calls for a beautiful editorial and nothing more.

Monday, February 27, 2012

♥ DEAR time.

via pinterest, naturally.

since switching careers, i have traded an hour of train riding for a fifteen minute
 commute by car- which has been a wonderful thing except for the fact that
 i now miss out on a daily period of time where i have nothing
 better to do but read and read and read some more. 

while i do have plenty of extra time now- i have found it increasingly harder to
sit down with a book and not be tempted to open my lap top and get lost
 in blogland, or turn on netflix and watch film after ever-streaming film.

earlier this year i set a goal to read at least 40 books - and with 4 under my belt,
40 is looking very far away. does anyone have any suggestions on how to
make DEAR time actually happen??

ps. have you watched miranda july's "handy tip for the easily distracted"

Monday, February 27, 2012

♥ the old bait & switch.

if nick and i switched outfits, it would be a hot mess-
but i do love the concept and the way these couples look in 
hana pesut's photography collection, switcheroo.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

♥ life can be understood backwards, but must be lived forwards.

just a little sunday morning reflection.

Friday, February 24, 2012

♥ as pretty as a picture.

last night nick and i went to see the secret world of arrietty (2010),
and we both agreed that it was one of the simplest yet most beautiful offerings
 from our favorite japanese animation studios- studio ghibli. 

images via google.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

♥ we don't grow older, we grow riper.

i just read the most amazing paraphrase of something vivienne westwood
just said the other day during her fall 2012 presentation and had to share.
 it reminded me of an even brattier version of my rant on proxy apparel-
which is precisely why i love it and totally agree.

"everybody looks like clones and the only people you notice are my age.
i don't notice anybody unless they look great, and every now and again they do,
and they are usually 70. we are so conformist, nobody is thinking.
we are all sucking up stuff, we have been trained to be consumers and
we are all consuming far too much. in history people dressed much better
than we do today. if you saw queen elizabeth, it wold be amazing,
she came from another planet. she was so attractive in what she was wearing.
people have never looked so ugly as they do today regarding their dress."

westwood's latest red-label collection is very british granny-
inimitably quirky and endlessly charming- 
just like the dame herself.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

♥ think what a better world it would be if we all, the whole world, had cookies and milk about three o'clock every afternoon and then lay down on our blankets for a nap.

this weekend, my sweet tooth had a craving-
so i satisfied it with this delicious sea salt chocolate chip cookie recipe
which i have seen and tried before on everyday musings.

not sure about the salty/sweet combination? 
trust me- you'll love it.

i have an empty cookie jar to prove it.

recipe from everyday musings, adapted from baked.

2 1/4 cup flour
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
1 cup unsalted butter (softened)
1 tablespoon vanilla
2 eggs
24 oz semisweet chocolate chips

mix the butter and sugars with an electric mixer. 
add the eggs and vanilla. 
add the flour, salt, baking soda, and chocolate chips last.
scoop tablespoon-sized balls of dough on parchment paper 
a couple inches apart, and sprinkle generously with coarse sea salt. 

bake at 375 degrees for about ten minutes.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

♥ you shine up like a new penny.

nick recently introduced me to the music of grimes-
the post-internet/electronic music of claire boucher, 
 a pixie of a girl with a voice to match,
(and some crazy keyboard skills!)

in  2009, ms. boucher made news when she and college friend, william gratz 
attempted to float down the mississippi river, huck finn-style on a home made
house boat, outfitted with potatoes, chickens and a sewing machine.

but in more recent news- this spunky lady appeared at fashion week,

it looks to me like she cleans up real nice:

and she's actually quite fashiony.


listen to her latest album in its entirety on npr.

Monday, February 20, 2012

♥ happy president's day!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

♥ this weekend.

remember, remember this is now, and now, and now.
live it, feel it, cling to it--
i want to become acutely aware of all i've taken for granted.

*sylvia plath
yesterday's sunset.