Thursday, October 21, 2010

♥ when you buy vintage clothing you're not just buying fabric and thread, you're buying a piece of someone's past.

how pretty is nicole warne from her wildly popular ebay shop,
gary pepper vintage? i love how her red lipstick, side braid,
oversized glasses & big bow seem to go perfectly with every look!

♡ browse her lookbook, check out her shop, and read her blog.

i also love her collaboration with artist, chrissy lau, whose
illustrations of her pieces are equally beautiful!
(see more!)

9 ♥ love notes.:

  1. that black dress where it splits with the white - is so cute!

  2. The head bow is so beautiful: it gives a je ne sais qua to those vintage dresses. I love vintage too.
    Amazing drawings.
    Sara C.

  3. Maybe it's just the bright lips and hair bow, but she totally reminds me of you. :)

  4. Love the dresses! So pretty and I love the big bow!

  5. oh i had never heard of this etsy shop! what a gem and love these drawingS!!

  6. love vintage clothing
    ...and the styling
    so glad you stopped by

  7. I love these illustrations! Great find.


♥ tell me how you really feel!