Wednesday, June 30, 2010

♥ obsessed.

so, in case you haven't noticed, i have officially turned into one of those girls
who has nothing but weddings on the brain. right now, i am just in what i like to
refer to as "the the visual stage" where i am taking in everything i can
find, bookmarking ideas, and getting prices.

it is fun but extremely addictive and consuming, to the point where all i
want to talk about is wedding ideas! so for this reason, i would like to formally
introduce one of many posts between now and next year that will be about
my new favorite subject: weddings.

one of my favorite wedding websites is once wed, which is where i
discovered the trolley barn wedding of kelsey and brett in atlanta.
from the barn setting to the paper flower installation, to the candy bar and
the wildflower bouquets, i am utterly in love with every detail of this wedding.

{all images are care of their fabulous photographer, kyle hale.}

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

♥ it feels like home to me.

the other day my friend mercedes sent me this fabulous article from
the ny times about a woman named sandra foster who has painstakingly
transformed a hunting cabin in the catskills into her very own lifesize
victorian gingerbread house. scouring antique stores and craigslist, sandra
found salvaged items like her chipped green front door and the columns that hold
up the roof of the front porch (which replace the tree trunks that
once held it up).

the interior is romantic and shabby chic, decorated on a dime
with hand made paper flowers, recovered books, flowing draperies,
crystal chandeliers, candles and lots of love.

although it is only a studio and cannot be lived in (due to the fact
that there is no heat, kitchen or bathroom), sandra says that when
she and her husband purchased the property where their trailer
and this out of the way cottage lies
"it was like coming home. i get tears in my eyes thinking about it.
it was everything i had dreamed of, in every novel i read,
every song i heard."

if you are interested in reading more about ms. foster's renovations
and her life in the catskills, read her blog, my shabby streamside studio,
where she shares everything from her her maltese pups' birthday celebrations,
to do it yourself projects and all of the interiors that inspired her
adorable little cottage. not to mention some close ups of all
the beautiful details that make her little cabin feel like
home sweet home.

Monday, June 28, 2010

♥ fancy feet.

i am head over heels in love with these adorable
flower shoe clips from etsy shop, lemonring.
can you imagine looking down and seeing these pretty petals
at the tips of your tootsies everywhere you go?
they would certainly put a little "spring" in my step.

Monday, June 28, 2010

♥ a glimpse of glamour giveaway!!

if you are an avid reader of this blog (thank you, by the way!)
you may have noticed something curious going on on the right hand side
of the page, so i thought i would take the time to explain.

first of all, i started a glimpse of glamour tumblr, which is actually quite
addictive because it is very visual and does not require a lot of explanation.
i come across so many beautiful things in my internet travels that it feels
nice to be able to round everything up into one pretty little space.
please take a look if you have the time!

secondly, at long last, i have finally opened my own etsy shop!!

last december, i posted about an evening i spent with my sister
creating our very own bib necklaces out of felt, buttons and a lot of love.
i must admit at first i was very skeptical about whether or not i would actually like
and want to wear what i came up with, but i was pleasantly surprised by the
finished product! when i wore the necklace to work the next day,
my bff timothy suggested that i make more for his holiday art sale
where they were very well received!

since then, my little felt flower business has blossomed into a
marvelous collection of hand made headbands, pins, belts and necklaces.
as you may notice, each has been given a name and a flash description
(a glimpse if you will) of a situation when you might encounter
one of these unforgettable pieces in real life.

i am very excited to share my accessories with you
and to perhaps play a small part in making
this world a bit more

please check out my shop and leave a comment if
you are interested in winning an oversized pink organza flower
fresh from my shop! a winner will be chosen friday!!

good luck my lovelies :)

Sunday, June 27, 2010

♥ woman's best friend.

Friday, June 25, 2010

♥ favorite outfit friday.

so, while perusing the latest issue of lucky,
i came across vintage loving blogstress, jessica schroeder
of the ridiculously cute blog, what i wore.

with the amount of time i spend at the computer staring at fashion blogs,
you would think that this is one i would have come across by now,
but instead, i was delightfully surprised and inspired by all of the
deliciously adorable looks that jessica comes up with,
and so, this friday i thought we could all make up
for lost time, and take a peak at some
new found favorites:

my favorite part about jessica's style blog is that
mostly everything she wears is thrifted/gifted/ swapped/ inexpensive
which means readers who don't have an endless shopping bank account
can actually replicate the looks on a similar budget and still feel fabulous :)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

♥ ruffled.

my love for ruffles is multicolored & multilayered.

ruffle shower curtains, anthropologie

ruffle tiered dress, forever 21.

waterfall ruffle duvet & curtain, urban outfitters.

ruffled bags & shower curtains, india rose.