Monday, May 31, 2010

♥ paris nights and new york mornings.

love the name of the song and the dress she's wearing in the video.
enough said.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

♥ look alike.

i am totally in love with this flower and stripe sweater dress
it will hardly fit into my summer budget!

you can imagine how excited i was to find that forever 21
has a pretty good knock off; and at only $13.50 it
will hardly break the bank :)

Friday, May 28, 2010

♥ fashion follow friday.

do you readers believe in fashion fate?
you know, like when the stars align and something shiny
and bright just happens to land right in front of you?

well, that is what happened to me about a month ago
when i ran into and introduced myself to the lovely shanna gall,
designer of sg fashions, at city hall.

shanna is a boston native, who graduated with a degree in fashion design and
business management degree from fisher college. she started her own line
of exclusive, one of a kind, hand sewn dresses just a few years ago and
has already acquired a growing base of celebrity clients.

while in school, shanna learned and was greatly inspired by the
history of clothing and different periods of costume. as she so aptly puts it,
"women before set the tone. people should know about it."

in particular, shanna hopes that her work will speak of the
long, ever evolving history that women have had with their clothing,
and hopes that her pieces will show just how far we have come,
now that we are free to wear what we want and feel empowered doing it.

shanna's couture dresses are currently available in select LA boutiques,
but she is looking to expand further in boston as well. each of her gowns are
custom designed to fit the wearer according to her size specifications,
and the best part? they are each made with a built in bra! genius!

she is happy to announce that she will be participating in this year's
boston fashion week, with her very own runway show on sept 26th!!,
sponsored by girl scouts of america.

i cannot wait to see her flirty, feminine dresses in person!
for those of you who cannot wait, catch a glimpse of glamour below:

Thursday, May 27, 2010

♥ OMFG. SATC2!!!!

just take a look at these pictures and tell me your arm hair
isn't standing straight on end, just a little.

if you are thinking, damn, she just copied and pasted all of
the shots from wwd; then you would be absolutely correct.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

♥ observe and report.

one of my favorite things to observe on people
is their jewelry and how they choose to wear it.

if you really stop and look down at your hands and wrists
and think about it, each piece of jewelry that you put on
undoubtedly has some sort of story attached,
some significance to you that keeps you wearing it.

and the strangest thing is that most people you pass in the street
will never know why you always wear that turtle ring with it's body
swimming toward your heart, or why you stack your grandmother's bangle
in with your cheap forever 21 finds, or how you found a vintage pin and
decided to wear it on a chain as a necklace, but they may observe it
and in one way or another find it beautiful and inspiring.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

♥ letters to a young poet.

you are so young, so before all beginning, and i want to beg you,
as much as i can, dear sir, to be patient towards all that is
unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves,
like locked rooms and like books that are written in a very
foreign tongue. do not now seek the answers, that cannot be
given because you would not be able to live them.
and the point is, to live everything.
live the questions now.
perhaps you will then
without noticing it,
live along some distant day
to the answer.
rainer maria rilke.

{all images via sail to the moon}

Monday, May 24, 2010

♥ i don't think you're ready for this jelly.

in the fickle world of fashion, trends come and they go,
but i am quite excited to see the resurrection of a little trend called: jellies.
(remember dane cook wore them too?)

i am ashamed to admit the first time they were in style,
i was going through a seventh grade "don't copy me" phase and when
my sister, lissy, tried on my new pair of jellies and exclaimed that she
would like a pair herself, i nearly lost my mind!
now, i think i would love it more than ever if i
could convince her to wear the same thing as me!

here are some of the new incarnation of jellies that
i would not mind the both of us owning right now:

Saturday, May 22, 2010

♥ a good laugh.

last night nick and i ventured into faneuil hall to mottley's comedy club
to see brand new variety show that will take place every friday:
and they weren't kidding because it really was good stuff!
i would even venture to call it "great stuff."

nick (in the earth shirt and the smile) was brought up on stage
to participate in a nontraditional wet t–shirt contest that consisted of
unknotting a frozen wet t–shirt and seeing who could put it on the fastest.

the show was hysterical from start to finish.
the host, co–host, lighting guy and special guests like gary gulman all
had amazing comical chemistry and had me so entertained that i didn't
look down at my cell phone once. (which is a very big feat!)

there's nothing better than ending a stressful week with a good laugh.
even if you laugh to the point of tears. which is basically what i did.

Friday, May 21, 2010

♥ it's good to be bad.

OMG!!! here it is. straight from the web pages of wwd.
yet another disney connection for you, my lovely readers:

this september, disney is partnering with mac cosmetics
to launch a new collection called venomous villians based
on some of disney's most cunning, crooked, makeup-inspiring characters!
i can't wait!! (cue evil witch laugh)

{ps. thank you to my sister, lissy for letting me know!}

Friday, May 21, 2010

♥ favorite outfit friday.

this friday (and maybe more fridays after that),
i would like to highlight a few of the most inspirational looks
that i have passed on the web, with a little explanation of why they are so fab.
let me know what you think!

now, i thought i wore vintage fashion well..that is, until i discovered
the snail and the cyclops. isn't this outfit and setting so reminiscent of
gwen stefani's "cool" video? (watch!) this girl has got personal style
by the mile, and it translates into everything that she does
from her etsy shop to her blog.

i love this look from keiko lynn, especially the part in her post
where she says that she is going for the kelly kapowski look,
because she definitely nailed it!
check out her fashion line, postlapsaria.

one thing that i am not good at is putting together separates.
there is something so easy and instantly glam about wearing a dress everyday,
not to mention affordable, since a dress is an entire outfit in and of itself!
someone who does this well is katie from kansas couture.
i love this outfit because it is an eclectic mix of prints and stripes
and incredible accessories to bring the look home.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

♥ i want to ride my bicycle.

two years ago, nick bought me my very own pink bike for christmas,
and i am sad to say that although it takes up a prominent space in
my living room right now, it's functioning more as installation art
than as a form of transportation!

i am mainly terrified of riding side by side with a car,
which is basically the only option for riding it in the city
and i also am lacking the right "gear." and by gear, i don't mean a helmet,
(which is the most important bike accessory, but certainly not the most fun!)
but rather, the perfect bike/picnic/ shopping basket for the front of my bike.

i am pretty sure that if i had one of these bad boys,
i would be taking my bike to work instead of the train!

the original model for this ornate carrie basket
was actually crocheted to resemble a vintage tablecloth.
it can be worn on or off of your bicycle. LOVE!

these basil bicycle baskets are like something right out of nantucket,
which would probably be a much more ideal place to bike!

this vintage metal basket would go nicely with my vintage schwinn!

all that is missing from kate spade's picnic bike basket
is a little yippie dog, like toto!

happy biking!! source.