do you readers believe in fashion fate?
you know, like when the stars align and something shiny
and bright just happens to land right in front of you?
well, that is what happened to me about a month ago
when i ran into and introduced myself to the lovely shanna gall,
shanna is a boston native, who graduated with a degree in fashion design and
business management degree from fisher college. she started her own line
of exclusive, one of a kind, hand sewn dresses just a few years ago and
has already acquired a growing base of celebrity clients.
while in school, shanna learned and was greatly inspired by the
history of clothing and different periods of costume. as she so aptly puts it,
"women before set the tone. people should know about it."
in particular, shanna hopes that her work will speak of the
long, ever evolving history that women have had with their clothing,
and hopes that her pieces will show just how far we have come,
now that we are free to wear what we want and feel empowered doing it.
shanna's couture dresses are currently available in select LA boutiques,
but she is looking to expand further in boston as well. each of her gowns are
custom designed to fit the wearer according to her size specifications,
and the best part? they are each made with a built in bra! genius!
she is happy to announce that she will be participating in this year's
sponsored by girl scouts of america.
i cannot wait to see her flirty, feminine dresses in person!
for those of you who cannot wait, catch a glimpse of glamour below: