Thursday, December 16, 2010

♥ the nightmare before christmas.

last week nick and i went to jordan's furniture to look at new mattresses and while we were there, we decided to take a quick stroll through the famous enchanted village, which has recently been sold at auction to the mega furniture store.

for those of you who are not familiar with this boston cultural phenomenon,
it is a victorian-style village that used to be set up in downtown crossing at the
department store, jordan marsh, from 1940- 1972 and later again in the 90's.
and while there are still lines wrapped around all sorts of corners to sneak a
peek at this holiday attraction, i must say that for nick and i, the experience
was quite the contrary.

one day on the way home from work, we listened to an NPR program about animation for video games and movies and how there is a percentage at which point a faux person starts to go from believable to eerily/creepily real-looking. (read an interesting article here.) if a character is too real looking then it is rejected by viewers, and this is exactly how nick and i felt when we looked into the eyes of these victorian children.

we were creeped. the hell. out.

notice how everything looks cute in the first picture,
but as nick zoomed in, he started to notice the angry looking newspaper
boy behind me. it's like something out of child's play!

these ones sort of look like us. except angrier.
happy holidays!

6 ♥ love notes.:

  1. Omg last picture, last comment made me giggle!

  2. i heard that npr story too and this fits it perfectly! creepy creepersons all around!

  3. Sammy hii! We "met" at the little BDC craft show-- I am looking at your blog now and CRACKING up at this. you are aweosme. we need to be friends.


  4. Yay! Elinor, we can totally be friends. I don't have enough! Come and visit Timothy and I at Schumacher some time!


  5. Ahaha! You are too funny. I used to love the going to the enchanted village when it was at Jordan Marsh!


♥ tell me how you really feel!