Friday, April 30, 2010

♥ this dog's life.

i was taking this picture of my darling family dog, charleston chu,
the other day and i thought to myself how very regal he looked.
almost like a great poet looking up from his desk with quill in paw,
or maybe a great president looking out onto a limitless historical horizon?

(my bestfriend's family really does call her dog, "mr president." love!)

so, when i saw this fantastic new website, dorian greyhound & co.,
which actually offers custom portraits of your pet in a more
rustic and paintlerly setting than, say, your own backyard,
i knew i was not alone in my romanticizerd version of my regal beagle.
love it!

(spotted in traditional home)

2 ♥ love notes.:

  1. Charleston Chu!?! That is fabulous!!!!! <#

  2. i know, most days he's just plain old charlie! but thats his full name!


♥ tell me how you really feel!