Friday, February 26, 2010

♥ happy weekend!

and searching...
i've found you
how lucky i was to look
behind the clouds
and pull down your smile
for my own.

whenever i wear it
i'll think of you
and my heart
will be happy.

karen chu

Friday, February 26, 2010

♥ the perks of being a wallflower.

{spotted on apartment therapy}

i am kinda in love with this fake flower "wallpaper"
brilliantly installed by front design in
tensta konsthall cafe in sweden.
it is such a sweet and simple concept that really gives
a plain white wall dimension and personality.

i have an empty wall in my apartment that i am seriously
considering turning into a faux flower trellis...
i wonder what my boyfriend would say?

could you imagine being greeted every dreary winter morning
with the sight of beautiful blooms that magically never wilt?
it would be like living in a secret garden!

..but if i had my choice, i think i would rather have a wall that resembled this
drop dead gorgeous flower installation by boston based multi-media artist,
sheila gallagher. entitled cumulonimbus, this cut flower installation
lived and flourished in the boston ICA from december 2006- march 2007,
staying fresh with the help of a built in irrigation system,
and constant flower re-arrangement.
i was lucky enough to see this vertical garden in real life
at the ICA opening party. it took everything in me to restrain
myself from lunging into it becoming a wallflower myself.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

♥ silver fox.

the other day my two bestfriends were talking about the
silver streaks thats have been popping up on their pretty little heads,
and both were in agreement that they loved the way they looked
and would never consider plucking them!
as i listened to them, i could not help but feel a little
grey with envy, because the closest thing i have to grey hair right now
is the fur on my clothing, shed from my little grey cat, talula!
my sister, lissy, {who btw is a year younger than me!}, also has
a few rogue-style strands and she often threatens me
if i come anywhere near them!
after seeing the ladies from chanel's spring 2010 couture collection,
i am fairly certain that going grey is not such a bad thing.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

♥ garden variety.

how much do i love the garden collection by h&m?{set to hit stores march 18th!}
let me count the ways....
one: just looking at the crisp whites, straw hats, and flowers
remind me that spring is on its way.

two: in the summertime, the little black dress will be
replaced with the little white dress

three: flower prints and patterns will be available in every style
and every color possible. {oh yes, that red dress will be mine!}
four: the winter blues will say "buh bye!"
while breezy blues come in and say,"hi!"

five: dresses will be the go–to item to wear this season.
{they are always my go– to item!!}

six: all of the pieces are made from environmentally sustainable materials
such as recycled polyester and organic cottons and linens,
which make the world {and your closet!} a better place!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

♥ dot to dot.

when it comes to clothing, i have never been a big fan of polka dots.
in fact, as a young girl i once made an off color remark to my nana
that i hated polka dots, even though she happened to be
sitting next to me in her favorite polka dot blouse. oops!

and while now i believe that i could have found a more tactful way to
express my feelings about spots, the fact remains that in fashion,
polka dots usually end up looking: cheesy, childish and cheap.
(the three c's to avoid!)

but when it comes to art, that's a whole different "ball" game,
which is why i am totally smitten with the work of the "princess of polka dots,"
artist, sculptor, performance artist, novelist, poetess:

according to the eighty year old artist who has created
over 50,000 pieces of polka dotted art;

"a polka dot has the form of the sun,
which is a symbol of the energy of the whole world,
and our living life and also the form of the moon, which is calm.
round, soft, colorful, senseless and unknowing.
polka dots become movement. polka dots are a way to infinity."

suffering with mental illness since the age of 10, kusama says that the polka dots
and line/mesh patterned "infinity nets" that she covers everything with are
an artistic expression of her childhood hallucinations.

claiming that if it were not for art, she would have killed herself a long time ago,
yayoi moved from japan to new york at the age of 27 and became one of
the foremost leaders in the avante garde movement,
creating polka dot covered masterpieces and one of a kind fashions,
staging open air "happenings" that included vietnam war protests
and nude painting exhibitions. she now lives voluntarily in a mental hospital in japan
where she still makes art and will continue to do so until her energy wanes,
which doesn't seem to be any time soon!

repetitious, obsessive compulsive and irreverent,
kusama's artwork never ceases to amaze,
to push viewers to their visual limits and beyond,
to skirt the fine line between oblivion and obliteration
and make even those who hate polka dots
believe and bow down
to their beauty.

watch this short video here and be amazed:

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

♥ life is a circus.

images via weheartit.

ok, yes, sometimes life can get pretty dull,
but i never considered running away and joining the circus...
until i saw these amazing pictures from the circus–themed wedding
of adam and halli, featured on once wed.

transforming the farm at meldrim plantation in georgia into
an old fashioned fair ground complete with a full size tent, kissing booth,
balloons, jars of candy and a popcorn machine, the couple really captured
a charming atmosphere for such a splendid and memorable occasion.
and it was so well executed, it was like a real circus!

i really love how their engagement pictures really set the tone for the wedding.
the outfits are sort of a more casual version of their marital attire.

if i were ever to attend such a whimsical and magical event,
i would not hesitate to purchase one of these handmade vintage pieces

constructed from victorian illustrations of circus life printed onto plastic,
these cuff bracelets, necklaces, earrings and pins capture the circus of a
bygone era, when tattooed strangers, trapeze swingers
and lion tamers took center stage.
i love jewelry that tells a story and these pieces speak volumes.

Monday, February 22, 2010

♥ think before you ink.

images via jak& jil &

as i have mentioned before, i am way too fickle to get a real tattoo,
which is why i absolutely flipped over the temporary trompe l'oeil tattoos
that wound like vines of flowers and strands of pearls around the
slender necks, wrists and legs of the models at the
spring 2010 collection for chanel.

i am so excited that these temporary tatts are
now available here on the chanel website, for under $100 dollars!
hand drawn by global creative director of chanel makeup, peter phillips,
the fifty five temporary tattoos include the signature
interlocking c's, strands of pearls, chains, birds and cherry blossoms,
and are a very small commitment with a big style impact.
love them!

Friday, February 19, 2010

♥ i've got the winter blues.

images via garance dore & ffffound

lately this cold, endless stretch of dismal winter days
has really been getting to me. the only thing to look forward to
is more cold days and there seems to be nothing sunny in sight.
i keep taking deep breaths and sighing for no reason and
all i want to do is keep getting hugs from my boyfriend, which is
the only thing that seems to calm me.

but when life hands you lemons, you must make lemonade
so i have decided to turn my winter blues into a post
celebrating none other than the color blue,
which is going to be big in fashion and interior design this year.

according to pantone, the color of 2010 is a reigning member of the blue family,
turquoise, which " transports us to an exciting, tropical paradise while
offering a sense of protection and heeling in stessful times."

i am also starting to see alot more of the amparo blue,
which has also been named by pantone as one of the top ten colors for
women's fashion this spring.

designers have been raving about the return of the true blue,
which has been hard to come by in the interior design industry
that has been offering nothing but aqua for the past few years.

the latest issue of house beautiful celebrates the color blue
and all of glorious the shades in between.

i love the use of charming blue floral prints in this los angeles home.
they are quiet and serene and i doubt anyone living in these rooms
would ever have the blues for too long.

here are some of the kind of blues that i wouldn't mind having:

when i was younger, i had a pair of blue patent leather platforms
that seemed to make every outfit a little bit more exciting.
say hello to what would be a fabulous new replacement.
hello, moschino!

i love this adorable retro bathing suit from anthropologie.
maybe i could wear it in my bath tub until summer comes?

which would just add a big pop of color to any look.

or maybe i should get me this breakfast at tiffany's sleeping mask
and hibernate until spring thaw?