Thursday, March 31, 2011

♥ one of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating.

cooking and drawing go together almost as well as cooking and eating--
which is why i love this fabulous website, they draw & cook.
with colorful recipes from all around the world combined
with all different types of artists- your stomach will
not believe your eyes.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

♥ "all that is gold does not glitter. not all those who wander are lost." ~jrr tolkien

in case i may have fooled you into thinking i was at all cool, think again.
nick has recently begun reading me the hobbit for a few minutes each
night before we fall asleep, and i must say- it is quite magical.

i am not sure if it's the way nick reads it, with his voice rising and falling
with the up and down patterns of the words, or tolkien's easeful
way of storytelling that quietly draws you into a scene until it is as if
you are standing in the warm comfort a hobbit hole, rather
than in your own bedroom-- or both-- but i have been thoroughly
enjoying myself and cannot wait for the two-part film, which
has just started production in new zealand this month!

ok, i'll admit it- i am a nerd.
but seriously, wouldn't you love to live in a
hobbit-inspired home like this one?

graphic designer and photographer, scott dale & his wife built this
eco-friendly home in the woods with the help of neighbors and a little
bit of luck. without a set plan on how to construct the sustainable structure,
the building process came along very organically and probably not unlike
the way mr. bilbo baggins himself would have built his home in the shire!
forget yesterday's post about cozy nooks, this entire home
is the ultimate cozy cove.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

♥ shut the door, not that it lets in the cold but that it lets out the coziness.

"the richness, the comfort of this apartment in an
unfashionable neighborhood. it was in an old building,
an apartment lovely as a park, like a beautiful volume
found among the stacks in a second-hand bookstore."
james salter, light years

today i am wishing i were snuggled up in one of
these cozy, haphazardly beautiful nooks featured

nick and i often refer to our apartment as a "cove" because it
is one straight shot from living room, to kitchen, to bedroom and
is basically a studio with doors that can be pulled across to provide privacy
and warmth. despite the impossibly tiny layout, we manage to fit all of our
important furniture, a ton of plants, and a kitty cat quite comfortably.
we love our little nook, and the quote above, from one of my favorite books,
is on our refridgerator as a reminder that sometimes good things
really do come in small packages.

Monday, March 28, 2011

♥ friends are one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be.

recently, i participated in a little friendship bracelet swap with
a gal i have never met in real life, yet whose blog i know well--
the lovely roxy from my cup of te.

as you may remember, i pride myself on being a fast braider
and a pretty good bracelet maker, considering the fact that i spent
many, many hours of my childhood at my brother's baseball games
with a box of string, my sisters and a bit of creativity, and so when
the opportunity arose to send a little sunshine in the form of a
friendship bracelet, i took it.

now, if only i could make mine as colorful and crafty as
sarah and stacy of frieda and nellie, a handmade jewelry collection
made from simple string mixed with vintage bobbles.

psst!! if any of you readers are interested in a friendship bracelet swap,
(especially if you make some that look like frieda & nellie!)
please email me at
and let me know your address!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

♥ music is what feelings sound like.

i have to say, if my life could be summed up in a song,
it may be yael naim's "new soul," because i truly believe
this is my very first time on this earth.

what would your song be?

Friday, March 25, 2011

♥ a poetry interlude.

there is a pretty girl
on the
of the magazine.
all I see
is my dirty
turning the page.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

love these candy-colored prints from ashey of
kitty genius. they say very little-
but they say it all!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

♥ cat on a hot tin roof.

yesterday was talula's fourth birthday,
so we celebrated with cat treats and tunafish.

and while it was an altogether happy day,
it was also sad to lose a much-loved actress, elizabeth taylor.
i must admit, besides the old version of little women (1949),
and the white diamonds commercial, which i sometimes like to
re-enact- pretending to remove my diamond earrings and hand
them off to a table-full of handsome gamblers, while saying,
"these have always brought me luck--"
i don't know much about this truly remarkable lady.

and so, better late than never, i watched
cat on a hot tin roof (1958) this evening and loved it.
as my friend, sarah says, "swoon.." they really don't
make dramas like they used to-- or actresses,
for that matter.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

♥ books may well be the only true magic.

being the aforementioned book nerd that i am, i just HAD
to share these incredible drawings by kristina at krisatomic,
which are inspired from her recent reading of one of my favorite
russian novels: the master and margarita.

if you are looking for a book where there is something
different and unexpected on each page, and you have the ability
to focus your attenion really well while reading--
then this book is for you.

plus, just look at the artwork it can evoke-
that should be reason enough.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

♥ you are what you eat.

if you are a book whore like me, you may have noticed in my side column
that for the past few weeks or so i have been hungrily devouring every
last word of molly wizenberg's memoir/recipe book of sorts-

i am not usually one to browse for books while grocery shopping,
but when i spotted this treasure amongst a pile of other not so scholarly selections--
my brain immediately recognized the cover and sparked a memory of
something i had seen ages and ages ago while trolling blogs.

you see, it was written by a fellow blogger, and to me,
that is a very significant detail.

writer molly wizenberg did not go to school to be a cook or an author
for that matter, but like the saying she repeats throughout her book,
"whatever you love, you are" there was no clearer path for her than starting
the blog orangette and letting life's path stretch itself
out before her.

"i believe in paying attention to [my] meals, no matter how fast or
frustrating.i believe in what they can show me about the place where
i live, about the people around me, and about who i want to be. to me,
that is the "meat" of food. that's what feeds me-
why i cook and why i write." (pg 6)

(read an excerpt, published in ny times.)

and when she is not "winning hearts and minds" (another quote from
her book) with her delicious recipes and her easy to sink your teeth-into
type of writing, molly and her hubby, brandon are busy with their
wood-fire pizza project- a seattle-based restaurant called
delancey--which looks too good for words.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

♥ late bloomer.

last night i watched the film the brothers bloom(2008),
which seems to have all the ingredients of a winning film:
a cast of amazing actors, colorful costumes, a great soundtrack
and gorgeous landscapes- but somehow falls flat in terms
of character development and story.

in fact, the character who stole the show is the one
who has absolutely no dialogue to speak of-
bang bang (played by rinko kikuchi) is an all-knowing,
highly evolved, quirkily dressed con artiste who says more in her
facial expressions and gestures than anyone with an actual
speaking role says throughout the entire film.

Monday, March 21, 2011

♥ springtime is the land awakening.

spring is in the air... can you feel it?
well, to be honest, i couldn't until i discovered the gorgeous
blog & shop of artist paula valentim, otchipotchi.

a veritable study in nature, paula's blog & flickr page
dissects and highlights the beauty of her natural
surroundings, literally beckoning you to stop
and smell the roses- or peel them away,
layer by layer (whichever you prefer!)

and as if her photography weren't enough--she also
makes the most delicate, nature-inspired ceramic
vessels and pebbles i have ever seen.
love. them. all.